"Picasso" himself was the 20th Overall Ace pigeon at the 2012 World Ace Challenge! Maybe more important is that his mother is a Double Granddaughter of "TINKELBEL"...The absolute best breeding hen of Arie Dyjkstra, the bloodline that excels in South Africa and adds toughness to your current family.
"Picasso" in his first year bred 2nd Equal first at The Carolina One Loft Race 300 miles with only 2 birds sent out of him . Everyone that sees Picasso when visiting the loft are just Amazed at his stature and his looks. He just looks the part.
His Son,"Young Picasso" in 2014 bred 4th and 5th Champion birds in the combine in old birds which were nest mates! ! Also in 2014 he sired 2nd Champion bird and Second Overall Grand Average Ace at the 2014 North American Breeders Cup 5 race series including 3rd Equal First at 370 miles! This series of races was 100,200,200,275 and 370 miles which were flown in a 26 day period!! Is this Toughness?
Now...In 2015 "Young Picasso" is the sire to FIRST and ELEVENTH ..( Again nest mates) Overall Ace at Americas International Challenge! This daughter of Young Picasso simply dominated the race series from start to finish for Johnny The Greek!
AND Now.. The deal has been made! Johnny offers this Super hen to me in a joint mating to breed back to her Grandfather "Picasso" in the 2016 season which is one of my favorite mating's for breeding breeders.
This is an all performance pedigree and as you can see The Late Great "Kid Kannibaal" is in it also. As many do not know Kid Kannibaal died in March 2015 at 14 years of age and although she was no longer fertile it was a very sad time and he will be missed.
For more information about this family, contact Kenny Rhodes by email or phone: 610-486-6588.